Governance and Funding
Community Action Network CLG is a social justice NGO (founded 1987) with charitable status regulated by the Charities Regulator in Ireland.
Company Registered Number | 165789 | |
Charity Number | CHY 10093 | |
Charities Regulatory Number | 2002553 |
Our latest financial statements and annual reports are available at The Charities Regulator and at Publications: CAN Corporate.
CAN complies with current requirements under the Code of Practice for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland.
CAN Management
CAN has had a wide range of funding sources: philanthropic bodies, donors, government departments, state bodies, and religious orders have supported our work, enhancing income generated from the work we do with community, voluntary and statutory bodies.
The Ireland Funds have contributed funding to leadership development programmes, our community safety work, and most recently our work to effect greater collaboration between young people, youth services, and the Gardaí in Dublin’s North Inner City.
We would like to acknowledge funding received in the past from The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, Atlantic Philanthropies, Open Society Foundation, The Community Foundation of Ireland, and the Department of Rural and Community Development through the Scheme to Support National Organisations.
Fee Income
CAN generates income from the work we do with community, voluntary and statutory organisations. We aim to supplement this work through donor or philanthropic-sourced income, to enable us to work with organisations and local groups who lack the necessary resources to engage us.
Thank You
CAN appreciates all those who fund our work and engage our services. For more information on all our work and how you can support it, please visit our Support Us Page.

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Who We Are
Our Mission
Governance and Funding
Meet the Team
Publications: CAN Corporate