CAN facilitates launch of Lives on Hold and Trapped in Treatment reports

CAN was delighted to facilitate the launch of Lives on Hold and Trapped in Treatment reports on  Feb 27th at the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.

These two reports detail the process and findings of two collaborative peer led research programmes facilitated by Community Action Network (CAN) plus an analysis of the findings by Service Users Rights in Action (SURIA). The participating projects include:

The Inner City Organisations Network, (ICON) covering the north east inner city of Dublin.

The Canals Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, covering Rialto and Inchicore in Dublin

The North East Regional Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, covering Meath, Cavan, Louth and Monaghan

The South West Regional Drugs and Alcohol Task Force covering Kildare

Uisce, A National Advocacy Service for People who use Drugs in Ireland.

Participants at the launch heard

  • The findings of research and the lived experience of 367 service users through their own voices and how that experience links to human rights and equality.
  • The recommendations for addressing identified human rights and equality issues in MMT.
  • The response from the Director of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and The Project Manager of the HSE national office for Human Rights and Equality.

Here are links to the Reports presented at the meeting:

Lives on Hold
Lives on Hold – Fifth monitoring report
Trapped in Treatment