How We Work: The CAN Model works!

The CAN Model works, but this is usually because of the talents and commitments of the people we work with. We facilitate, we encourage, we draw out latent talents and skills; but ultimately it is the individuals and communities we work with who build their own achievements.

How do we know?

We are proud of the contribution we make, and we know from many sources that our work has made a difference; we know this from:

  • What people who live with inequality tell us.
  • Independent evaluations of work where the CAN Model has been applied.
  • Ongoing reflection and evaluation within every piece of work at every stage of action.
  • The continuing demand for our services from within communities faced with issues of social injustice and inequality.

Empowered communities

Positive outcomes from the CAN Model include empowered communities who have shown themselves capable of taking complex collective action on issues of inequality. This has included grassroots mobilisation and communities organising around specific issues of inequality. In some cases this has led to new community organisations being formed, as well as more effective partnerships and alliances between organisations, often across different locations and campaign issues.

The CAN Model brings with it new ways of engaging with communities, and many of the interventions we have been involved with have left lasting legacies among communities who are more strongly aware of their human and civil rights, who are better organised to tackle issues of injustice on the ground, and who are enthusiastic about sharing their experience with less favoured communities.

At a practical level, CAN’s involvement has helped communities develop focused action plans, organise campaigns around particular issues of injustice, and raise awareness of the real personal, social and economic costs of social injustice and inequality.

See more …

The CAN Model Overview
The Four Action Stages
The CAN Model Works!