We have had a busy first half of 2024. A sample of our work in May and June:
Leadership Development
Transformative Leadership
Level 8 Certificate with The Wheel and Maynooth University concluded with 17 senior leaders in the Community and Voluntary Sector reporting significant learning and encouragement with other participants in the group, exploration of new theoretical concepts, self-awareness of why we lead the way we lead, how we can show up differently in different circumstances when we need to, and that others are grappling with complexity in their leadership roles too.
Leadership in Collaborative Practice
Level 8 Certificate with Maynooth University and sponsored by Dun Laoghaire Drug and Alcohol Task Force and the HSE. Sixteen managers and frontline staff, from a wide range of statutory and voluntary organisations successfully completed, reporting a much more significant understanding of collaboration and leadership in theory and practice. Stronger connections were built across the county, with greater potential for collaboration identified.
Organisational Development
Strategic Thinking Day
Facilitated with All Ireland Social Prescribing Network envisioning the way forward over the next 5 years and agreeing on strategies to realise the vision together.
Dun-Laoghaire Rathdown SAVE forum World Café style event
On the theme of Exploring Intercultural Understanding of Domestic Abuse – CAN facilitation of collective learning about how we begin to break the silence on domestic abuse.
Southside Partnership / DLR Local Drug and Alcohol Taskforce Youth At Risk forum
Facilitation of child and family services, local primary and secondary schools, adult and adolescent addiction services, youth services, the Islamic Cultural Centre, community training centre, DLR Co Council Sports Partnership to learn about ideas and initiatives that prove effective in addressing issues for youth at risk including addiction and challenging behaviour.
Coaching with Organisations
Staff coaching with 4 community and voluntary sector organisations using Structural Dynamics, a framework for understanding our communication patterns and how they impact our work with others to achieve our goals.
Systemic Change
North Inner-City Dublin – Policing Dialogue
CAN’s Policing Dialogue initiative in the NEIC continues to go from strength to strength! A dialogue for youth workers and Gardaí took place over two days in June. 11 Gardaí from various ranks within Store Street Station sat in dialogue with 12 youth workers from 7 different youth services in the NEIC. They had very constructive conversations as they collectively worked towards building on the progress to date and continuing to build better relationships between young people from the area and the Gardaí.
Human Rights
Longford Anti Racism and Leadership Programme
Organised by Longford Community Resources and funded by Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. Sixteen participants from a range of minority ethnic backgrounds participated in this learning programme, reporting increased knowledge and understanding of racism and discrimination, leadership, power and inequality, and potential for their own leadership in addressing these issues. CAN partnered with INAR – Irish Network Against Racism in the design and delivery of this programme.