Today, the Open Society Foundations joined The Shift and the Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy NUIG, CAN and a coalition of human rights groups in unveiling comprehensive model emergency legislation (to download click here) to protect the right to housing in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic crisis and an accompanying briefing paper (to download click here). Through this legislation we are urging governments around the world to use the basic legal provisions outlined in the model legislation to prompt and guide the development of domestic laws to ensure access to housing for all.
We combined provisions drawn from a range of existing legislative measures, but this draft model emergency legislation goes beyond most existing measures by including provisions to protect those facing homelessness, people with disabilities, and people living in temporary encampments and housing for migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees.
I am thrilled to be able to share this model legislation with you and I hope it can serve in your advocacy efforts. Please feel free to share this legislation with your partners. Should you have any questions or want to collaborate in disseminating the model legislation, do not hesitate to let me know.
To view the press release click here.