Support Us
Support CAN
Founded in 1987, CAN has extensive knowledge and expertise in bringing about social transformation.
We are trusted, we have experience, and we cross-fertilise ideas from one group to another.
Support us to continue to work with communities that are treated unequally, with the organisations that support them and the statutory bodies with responsibility to serve them.
Your investment in CAN will facilitate us to deliver and develop our programme of work.
CAN is a registered Irish Charity resourced by government grants, fees for contracted work, and philanthropic donations. We face an ongoing funding challenge to resource our innovation. This requires development of ideas and practice models, network building and partnership formation before an intervention is rolled-out.
We welcome financial support and grant aid from statutory agencies, private companies, individual donors and philanthropic bodies.
Our Impact
Organisations which have already supported CAN
Atlantic Philanthropies
The Wheel
The Ireland Funds
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
St Stephen’s Green Trust
The Community Foundation for Ireland
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
Irish Government Departments
Open Society Justice Initiative
Open Society Foundation in Europe
Religious Orders
Individual Donors
Get in touch
Please contact us for more information or to offer your support.
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Who We Are
Our Mission
Governance and Funding
Meet the Team
Publications: CAN Corporate